Our system is adapted to various screen sizes, so you can solve tests not only on a computer, but also on your smartphone or tablet
Prepare for the state theory exam in "Regitra" by solving KET tickets and pass the exam from the first time!
Currently online: 26
Unlimited tests, time is counted only when answering test questions
You can choose to solve tests of categories A, AM, B, BE, C, CE, D, DE or study according to individual topics that you find more difficult
Tests consist of more than 3800 questions which are prepared according to the theory exam of Regitra and the newest KET rules
Our KET test system will automatically select tests based on the questions which you answer incorrectly the most
The results of solution progress and statistics are saved
Our KET tests are prepared on the same principle and basis as the test that you receive during the state theory exam at Regitra. The tests include more than 3800 different questions created according to road traffic rules and various traffic situations. Constant solving of these tests helps to absorb and learn traffic rules more easily, as well as develops your theoretical knowledge and prepares you for the exam.
We cooperate with representatives of driving schools and people who have already taken the exam, so that our questions are as similar as possible to those presented during the state theory exam. You can prepare for this exam on your own, and the solving KET tests is probably the most popular and effective way of learning theory among future drivers preparing for the exam.
We are glad that with our help, more and more users properly prepare for the state theory exam and pass it!
Our system is adapted to various screen sizes, so you can solve tests not only on a computer, but also on your smartphone or tablet
When viewing the test results, under hard questions you will find a more detailed explanation of the answer and the number of the KET rules on which it is based
The results of each completed test are saved, so you can check your learning progress and results in your profile at any time
Do you have any questions? Need help? Or maybe you want to tell us how did you do on the theory exam?
Fill in the contact request and we will contact you within 24 hours!
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